Challenge of world poverty: a world anti-poverty program in outline
by Myrdal, Gunnar. Publisher: London Allen Lane the Penguin Press 1970Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.91724 MYR-;]
Afghan syndrome: how to live with Soveit power
by Sengupta, Bhabani. Publisher: Ghaziabad Vikas Publishing House 1982Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.581047 SEN-; SL1]
India and the United states, 1961-1963
by Jain, B.M. Publisher: New Delhi Radiant Publishers 1987Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.54073 JAI-;]
Pakistan as a factor in Indo-Iranian relations: 1947-78
by Gupta, Sushma. Publisher: New Delhi S. Chand 1988Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.5491055 GUP-;]
Japan's foreign policy
by Gerald L. Curtis...[et.al.]. Publisher: New York East Gate Book 1993Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.52 JAP;]
Politics, aesthetics and culture: a study of Indo-Anglian political novel
by Kaushik, Ash. Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publications 1988Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 320 KAU-P]
Indo-U.S. relations: during the presidency of Ronald Reagan
by Khanna, Manuka. Publisher: New Delhi Classical Publishing 1996Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.54073 KHA-;]
Reorienting India: the new geo-politics of Asia
by Verghese, B.G. Publisher: Delhi Konark Publishers 2001Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 VER-;]
Empire of knowledge: culture and plurality in the global economy
by Vinay Lal. Publisher: London Pluto Press 2002Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 306.0904 VIN-;]
Restructuring the United Nations and global governance
by Mehrish, B.N. Publisher: Delhi Maadhyam Book Service 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 341.234 MEH-R]
Colonialism: an international social, cultural, and political encyclopedia
by Page, Melvin E | Penny M, Sonnenburgh. Publisher: santa Barbara ABC-CLIO 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 325.303 COL-]
Ties that divide : ethnic politics, foreign policy, and international conflict
by Saideman, Stephen M. Publisher: New York Columbia University Press 2001Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327 SAI-T]
Tragedy of great power politics
by Mearsheimer, John J. Publisher: New York W.W. Norton and Company 2001Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.101 MEA-;]
New geopolitics of Eurasia and Turkey's position
by Aras, Bulent. Publisher: London Frank Cass 2002Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.101 ARA-;]
Problem of Asia : its effects upon international politics
by Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Publisher: London Transaction Publishers 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327 MAH-;]
Conflict in Asia : Korea, China-Taiwan, and India-Pakistan
by Heo, Uk | Horowitz, Shale A. Publisher: Westport Praeger Publishers 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.095 CON;]
Global resurgence of democracy
by Plattner, Marc F | Diamond, Larry. Edition: 2ndPublisher: Baltimore The Johns Hopkins University Press 1996Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 321.8 GLO;]
Deviant conduct in world politics
by Geldenhuys, Deon. Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 909.83 GEL-;]
Security beyond survival: essays for K. Subrahmanyam
by Kumaraswamy, P.R. Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 355.033054 SEC;]
Colonialism as civilizing mission: cultural ideology in British India
by Fischer-Tine, Harald | Mann, Michael. Publisher: London Anthem Press 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 325.3410954 COL;]
Islamic world: inter-state relations
by Hamidullah, M. Publisher: New Delhi Anmol Publications 2001Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 297.272 ISL-]
Islam in world politics
by Johns, Anthony H | Lahoud, Nelly. Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 297.272 ISL-]
Globalizing world: culture, economics, politics
by Held, David. Edition: 2ndPublisher: London Routledge & Open University 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 303.484 GLO-]
Political issues in the world today
by Jones, Bill | MacIver, Don. Publisher: Manchester Manchester University Press 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 320 POL-]
International organisation in world politics
by Armstrong, David | Redmond, John | Lloyd, Lorna. Edition: 3 rdPublisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327 ARM-I]
Afghan war and its geopolitical implications for India
by Haidar, Salman. Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.101 AFG-]
Global governance reader
by Wilkinson, Rorden. Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327 GLO-]
Possible world: democratic transformation of global institutions
by Patomaki, Heikki | Teivainen, Teivo. Publisher: London Zed Books 2004Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.17 PAT-P]
Arms diffusion: the spread of military innovations in the international system
by Zarzecki, Thomas W | Bruchey, Stuart. Publisher: New York Routledge 2002Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1743 ZAR-A]
International relations theory: a critical introduction
by Weber, Cynthia. Edition: 2ndPublisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327 WEB-I]
Global politics of unequal development
by Payne, Anthony. Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327 PAY-G]
Postcolonialisms: an anthology of cultural theory and criticism
by Nair, Supriya | Desai, Gaurav. Publisher: Oxford Berg 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 325.3 POS-]
Mitrokhin archive II: the KGB and the world
by Andrew, Christopher | Mitrokhin, Vasili. Publisher: London Allen Lane 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 909 AND-M]
Challenges of globalization: new trends in international politics and society
by Lerch, Marika | Pfaller, Alfred. Publisher: New Brunswick Transaction Publishers 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 CHA-]
Diplomacy and developing nations: post-cold war foreign policy making structures and processes
by Robertson, Justin | East, Maurice A. Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.091724 DIP-]
Encyclopedia of international relations and global politics
by Griffiths, Martin. Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 327.03 ENC-]
India and the world: selected articles from IDSA journals
by Dutta, Sujit | Sisodia, N S. Publisher: New Delhi Institute For Defence Studies And Analys 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 355.030954 IND-]
Puzzles of the democratic peace theory, geopolitics and the transformation of world politics
by Rasler, Karen | Thompson, William R. Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.172 RAS-P]
Study of world politics
by Rosenau, James N. Edition: contents: Volume 1:Publisher: London Routledge 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 ROS-S]
East, west north, south: major developments in international relations since 1945
by Lundestad, Geir. Edition: 5thPublisher: London Sage Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.0904 LUN-E]
Origins of the cold war: an international history
by Censer, Jack R | Leffler, Melvyn P | Painter, David S. Edition: 2ndPublisher: New York Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 909.82 ORI-]
Front lines
by Watkins, Susan. Publisher: Calcutta Seagull Books 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 303.482 FRO-]
Other worlds
by Watkins, Susan. Publisher: Calcutta Seagull Books 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 320 OTH-]
Global revolt: a guide to the movements against globalization
by Starr, Amory. Publisher: London Zed Books 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.91 STA-G]
New modes of governance in the global system: exploring publicness, delegation and inclusiveness
by Shaw, Timothy M | Koenig-Archibugi, Mathias | Zurn, Michael. Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.17 NEW-K]
Anthropology of the state: a reader
by Gupta, Akhil | Sharma, Aradhana. Publisher: Malden Blackwell Publishing 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 306.2 ANA-]
Experiencing the state
by Jacobsen, John Kurt | Rudolph, Lloyd I. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 320.1 EXP-]
Politics of global governance: international organizations in an interdependent world
by Diehl, Paul F. Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi Viva Books 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 341.2 POL-]
Losing battle with Islam
by Selbourne, David. Publisher: New Delhi Viva Books 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 291.177 SEL-L]
Antarrashtriya rajniti
by Sood, Chandrashekhar | Bahuguna, Niranjana. Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi Radha Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 SOO-A]
Globalization, security and the nation state: paradigms in transition
by Rosenau, James N | Aydinli, Ersel. Publisher: Albany State University of New York 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 355.033 GLO-]
Comparative politics: critical concepts in Political Science
by Wiarda, Howard J | Adams, Paul S | Rego, Paul | Tan, Lena | Miller, Jacqueline McLaren | Aksoy, Zuhre | Woldemariam, Yohannes | Bushouse, Brenda. Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 320.3 COM-]
International political economy and poststructural politics
by Shaw, Timothy M | Goede, Marieke de. Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 337 INT-]
India: from regional to world power
by Kapur, Ashok. Publisher: London Routledge 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.54 KAP-I]
National interest in international relations theory
by Burchill, Scott. Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.101 BUR-N]
Theories of international relations
by Scott Burchill ...[et al.]. Edition: 3rdPublisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.101 THE-]
Devastating society: the neo-conservative assault on democracy and justice
by Hamm, Bernd. Publisher: London Pluto Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.73 DEV-]
Globalization and politics: promises and dangers
by Lane, Jan-Erik. Publisher: Hampshire Ashgate Publishing 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 337.1 LAN-G]
Global stage
by Susan Watkins ...[et al.]. Publisher: Calcutta Seagull Books 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.9 SEL-]
Retreat to unfreedom: essays on the emerging world order
by Patnaik, Prabhat. Publisher: New Delhi Tulika Books 2003Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 330.9 PAT-R]
Rethinking globalization(s) : from corporate transnationalism to local interventions
by Shaw, Timothy M | Aulakh, Preet S | Schechter, Michael G. Publisher: Hampshire Macmillan Press 2000Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 337 RET-]
Worlds apart: human security and global governance
by Tehranian, Majid. Publisher: London I.B. Tauris 1999Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 352.3790091 WOR-]
Twentieth century international relations
by Cox, Michael. Publisher: London Sage Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 372 TWE-]
Politics of globalization: a reader
by Kesselman, Mark. Publisher: Boston Houghton Miffin 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 337 KES-P]
Gandhian way: peace, non-violence and empowerment
by Sharma, Anand. Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 322.40954 GAN-]
War, peace and hegemony in a globalized world: the changing balance of power in the twenty first century
by Chandra Chari. Publisher: London Routledge 2008Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.112 WAR-]
Global politics of globalization
by Gills, Barry K. Publisher: London Routledge 2008Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 337 GLO-]
Global governance in question: empire, class and the new common sense in managing north-south relations
by Soederberg, Susanne | Colas, Alejandro | Saull, Richard. Publisher: Pluto Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327 SOE-G]
Empire in denial; the politics of state-buliding
by Chandler, David. Publisher: London Pluto Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 320.5 CHA-E]
India-Eurasia: the way ahead (with special focus on Caucasus)
by Sahai, Paramjit S | Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh. Publisher: Chandigarh the author 2008Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.5405 IND-]
Globalising democracy: party politics in emerging democracies
by Burnell, Peter. Publisher: London Routledge 2006Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 324.2 GLO-]
Sino-Indian equation in the changing world scenario
by Datta, Alok. Publisher: Kolkata Sujan Publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 382.09540951 DAT-S]
International order in a globalizing world
by Stivachtis, Yannis A | Krishna-Hensel, Sai Felicia. Publisher: Hampshire Ashgate Publishing 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 INT-]
Post-american world
by Zakaria, Fareed. Publisher: New Delhi Viking Published 2008Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 323 ZAK-P]
State, Nation and democracy: alternative global futures
by Partha Pratim Basu [et......al]. Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 321.18 STA-]
Globalization and the global politics of justice
by Gills, Barry K. Publisher: London Routledge 2008Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 320.011 GLO-]
From marxism to post-marxism
by Therborn, Goran. Publisher: London Verso 2008Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 320.5312 THE-F]
Global flashpoints: reactions to imperialism and neoloberalism
by Leys, Colin | Panitch, Leo. Publisher: New Delhi Leftword Books 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 909.83 GLO-]
State of resistance: popular struggles in the global south
by Polet, Francois. Publisher: London Zed Books 2007Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 303.484 STA-]
World in crisis: the end of the American century
by Kolko, Gabriel. Publisher: New York Pluto Press 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 355.033073 KOL-W]
Gramsci and global politics: hegemony and resistance
by Schwarzmantel, John | McNally, Mark. Publisher: London Routledge Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 923.245 GRA-]
India's foreign policy: retrospect and prospect
by Ganguly, Sumit. Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.54 IND-]
Antagonistics: capitalism and power in an age of war
by Balakrishnan, Gopal. Publisher: London Verso 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 303.342 BAL-A]
Globalisation and the prospects for critical reflection
by Murphy, John W | Choi, Jung Min. Publisher: Delhi Aakar Books 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.9 GLO-]
Jihad and genocide
by Rubenstein, Richard L | Berger, Alan L. Publisher: Lanham Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 297.72 RUB-J]
Antarrashtriya rajniti
by Mishra, Mahendra Kumar. Publisher: Delhi Kalpana Prakashan 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 MIS-A]
Antarrashtriya rajniti ke siddanth
by Mishra, K.K | Shukla, Subhash. Publisher: New Delhi Anamika Publishers 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.101 MIS-A]
Hollow hegemony: rethinking global politics, power and resistance
by Chandler, David. Publisher: London Pluto Press 2009Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 CHA-H]
Rethinking world politics: a theory of transnational neopluralism
by Cerny, Philip G. Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.101 CER-R]
Participation for what: social change or social control ?
by Georgina M. Gomez...[et al.]. Publisher: The Hague International Institute of Social Studie 2010Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 303.4 PAR-]
International and transnational political actors: case studies from the Indian d
by Leclerc, Eric. Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2011Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.54 INT-]
Global social crisis: report on the world social situation 2011
by United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Publisher: New York the author 2011Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.542 GLO-U]
Politics of the global economic crisis: regulation, responsibility and radicalis
by Chaulia, Sreeram. Publisher: New Delhi Routledge 2014Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.54 CHA-P]
America, Pakistan and the India factor
by Mohanty, Nirode. Publisher: New York Palgrave Macmillan 2013Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.54 MOH-;]
Routledge handbook of diplomacy and statecraft
by McKercher, B.J.C. Publisher: London Routledge 2012Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: RR 327.2 ROU;]
Accommodating rising powers: past, present and future
by Paul, T.V. Publisher: Delhi Cambridge University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 ACC-]
International politics of human trafficking
by Wylie, Gillian. Publisher: London Palgrave Macmillan 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 WYL-I]
Think tanks and non-traditional security: governance entrepreneurs in Asia
by Zimmerman, Erin | Beeson, Mark. Publisher: Houndmills Palgrave Macmillan 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 327.1 ZIM-T]
Idea of good governance and the politics of the global south: an analysis of its effects
by Khan, Haroon A. Publisher: New York Routledge 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 351.1 KHA-I]
Oxford handbook of comparative regionalism
by Risse, Thomas | Borzel, Tanja A. Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press 2016Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 338.91091 COM-O]