Student approaches to learning and studying
by Biggs, John B. Publisher: Melbourne Australian Council for Educational Resea 1987Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 370.1523 BIG-;]
Guidance needs of destitute children: a study of destitute homes in U.P.
by Singh, Saha. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 1988Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 362.709542 SIN-G]
Residential education at secondary level: a study of intermediate colleges in U.P
by Pandey, D.D. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 1988Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 373.23809542 PAN-;]
Decentralisation and the curriculum: effect of the devolution of curriculum decision making in Australia
by Sturman, Andre. Publisher: Victoria Australian Council for Educational Resea 1989Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 375.0010994 STU-D]
Management technology and teacher development
by Chadha, S.C. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 371.10068 CHA-;]
Activism and alienation in psycho-social perspectives
by Sharma, R.R. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 371.89 SHA-A]
Need motivations of student leaders
by Natrajan, Savitri. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 1991Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 371.625 NAT-;]
Youth and society: the two transitions:a reveiw of Australian research on young people in work and education
by Blakers, Catherine. Publisher: Victoria Australian Council for Educational Resea 1990Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 305.2350994 BLA-;]
Personality characteristics of Indian sportsperson
by Nangia, Suman. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 0Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 796.01 NAN-;]
Rajasthan ke shikshak prashikshak = Teacher educators of rajasthan: a sociological study:ek samajik adhyayan
by Gaur, Aswani Kuma. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 1993Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 371.1009544 GAU-R SL1]
Breaking out of invisibility: women in Indian history
by Taneja, Anup | Basu, Aparna | Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi. Publisher: New Delhi Northern Book Centre 2002Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 305.40954 BRE- SL1]
Aboriginal employment equity by the year 2000
by Altman, J.C | Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. Publisher: Canberra Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Re 1991Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 331.1330994 ABO;]
Affective sensitivity and cognitive styles
by Sahoo, F.M. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 1987Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 153 SAH-;]
Personality test: with the social desirability variable controlled
by Tripathi, Ram Rishi. Publisher: Agra National Psychological Corporation 1980Availability: Items available for loan:
[Call number: 155.28 TRI-;]