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1. Growth of education in Andhra Pradesh: a long run view

by Upendranadh, C.

Publisher: Trivandrum Centre for Development Studies 1994Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 370.95484 UPE-G SL1] (2).

2. National rural employment guarantee: Issues, concerns and prospects / Reddy, D Narasimha and Upendranadh, C

by Reddy, D Narasimha | Upendranadh, C.

Publisher: New Delhi, India : Institute for Human Development, Jul-05Availability: Items available for loan: (1).

3. Labour shortage in coffee plantation areas coping strategies of small growers in Kodagu district / Upendranadh, C and Subbaiah(Nanda), C A

by Upendranadh, C | Subbaiah(Nanda), C A.

Publisher: Thiruvananthapuram : Centre for Development Studies(NRPPD)Thiruvananthapuram, Jul-05Availability: Items available for loan: (1).

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