Your search returned 423 results. Subscribe to this search

101. Crisis and contention in Indian society

by Oommen, T.K.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.0954 OOM-C] (1).

102. Globalisation: India's adjustment experience

by Dasgupta, Biplab.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 337.54 DAS-G] (1).

103. Public institutions in India: performance and design

by Mehta, Pratap Bhanu | Kapur, Devesh.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.0954 PUB-] (1).

104. Hindu nationalism and the language of politics in late colonial India

by Gould, William | Bayly, C. A | Chandavarkar, Chandavarkar | Johnson, Gordon.

Publisher: New Delhi Cambridge University Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.540954 GOU-H] (1).

105. Coalition politics and Hindu nationalism

by Saez, Lawrence | Adeney, Katharine.

Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 COA-] (1).

106. Good governance, democratic societies and globalisation

by Abraham, Biju Paul | Munshi, Surendra.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2004Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 351.4 GOO-] (1).

107. Role of caste in Indian administration

by Singh, S.N.

Publisher: New Delhi Anmol Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 SIN-R] (1).

108. Future of India: politics, economics and governance

by Jalan, Bimal.

Publisher: New Delhi Penguin Group 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 JAL-F] (1).

109. Literary radicalism in India: gender, nation and the transition to independence

by Priyamvada Gopal | Centre for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies.

Publisher: London Routledge 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.530954 PRI-L] (1).

110. Long march to capitalism: embourgeoisment, internationalization and industrial transformation in Indiaustrial t

by D'Costa, Anthony P.

Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 330.954 DCO-L] (1).

111. Indian autonomies: keywords and key texts

by Chaudhury, Sabyasachi Basu Ray | Das, Samir Kumar | Samaddar, Ranabir.

Publisher: Calcutta Sampark 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.150954 IND-] (1).

112. Rethinking indian political institutions

by Bates, Crispin | Basu, Subho.

Publisher: London Anthem Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.20954 RET-] (1).

113. Region, culture, and politics in India

by Fedhaus, Anne | Vora, Rajendra.

Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.20954 REG-] (1).

114. Media and mediation

by Bernard Bel ... [et al.].

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 324.014 MED-] (1).

115. Regionalism, ethnicity and left politics

by Basu, Sajal.

Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.2 BAS-R] (1).

116. Soul and structure of governance in India

by Jagmohan.

Publisher: New Delhi Allied Publishers 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.454 JAG-S] (1).

117. State, IT and development

by Keniston, Kenneth | Mathur, Rohit Raj | Bagga, R.K.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.48330954 STA-] (1).

118. Puzzle of India's governance: culture, context and comparative theory

by Mitra, Subrata K | Subrata K. Mitra.

Publisher: London Routledge 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.30954 MIT-P] (1).

119. India and the world: selected articles from IDSA journals

by Dutta, Sujit | Sisodia, N S.

Publisher: New Delhi Institute For Defence Studies And Analys 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 355.030954 IND-] (1).

120. India briefing take off at last

by Oldenburg, Philip | Ayres, Alyssa.

Publisher: New Delhi Pentagon Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954 IND-] (1).

121. Time of coalitions: divided we stand

by Thakura, Paranjoy Guha | Raghuraman, Shanker.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2004Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 324.254 THA-T] (1).

122. India in a globalising world: some aspects of macroeconomy, agriculture and poverty:essays in honour of C.H. Hanumantha Rao

by Radhakrishna, R | Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad.

Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.900954 IND-] (1).

123. Polity and governance: papers and proceedings

Publisher: New Delhi Frank Bros & Co. 1998Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 321.80954 GOL-R] (1).

124. India's political economy 1947-2004: the gradual revolution

by Frankel, Francine R.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 338.900954 FRA-I] (1).

125. Secularism and its critics

by Bhargava, Rajeev.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 211.6 SEC-] (1).

126. Social movements in India: poverty, power and politics

by Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod | Ray, Raka.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.4840954 SOC-] (1).

127. State in India: past and present

by Tanabe, Akio | Kimura, Masaaki.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.110954 STA-] (1).

128. Working a democratic constitution: a history of the Indian experience

by Austin, Granville.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 342.54 AUS-W] (1).

129. Situating federalism: mechanisms of intergovernmental relations in Canada and India

by Saxena, Rekha.

Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 321.02 SAX-S] (1).

130. Bharat ki videsh niti aur aatankvaad

by Dixit, J.N.

Publisher: New Delhi Gyan Publishing house 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 327.1170954 DIX-B] (1).

131. Changing Indian society

by Atal, Yogesh.

Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.40954 ATA-C] (2).

132. Politics of autonomy: Indian experiences

by Samaddar, Ranabir.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.454049 POL-] (1).

133. Representing India: ethnic diversity and the governance of public institutions

by Jayal, Niraja Gopal | Bangura, Yusuf | United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.

Publisher: Hampshire Palgrave Macmillan 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 323.154 JAY-R] (1).

134. Reinventing the congress: economic policies and strategies since 1991

by Bijukumar, V.

Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 324.254083 BIJ-R] (1).

135. Under the empire: india's new foreign policy

by Koshy, Ninan.

Publisher: New Delhi LeftWord Books 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 327.10954 KOS-U] (1).

136. India: the next decade

by Malhoutra, Manmohan | Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust.

Publisher: New Delhi Academic Foundation 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.4954 IND-] (1).

137. Postcolonial politics and personal laws: colonial legal legacies and the Indian state

by Williams, Rina Verma.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 340.534 WTL-P] (1).

138. Hindu nationalism: a reader

by Jaffrelot, Christophe.

Publisher: Delhi Permanent Black 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 322.10954 HIN-] (1).

139. Religion, caste and state

by Radhakrishnan, P.

Publisher: Jaipur Rawat Publications 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 291.177 RAD-R] (1).

140. Slouching towards Ayodhya: from congress to hindutva in Indian politics

by Desai, Radhika.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New Delhi Three Essays Collective 2003Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 DES-S] (1).

141. Decentralisation: institutions, justice and social development in India

by Sankaran, P.N.

Publisher: New Delhi Serials Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 352.2830954 SAN-D] (1).

142. Economic and political weekly 1966-2006

by Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi.

Publisher: New Delhi the author 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 016.33 INS-E] (1).

143. Politics and the state in India

by Hasan, Zoya | Mathur, Kuldeep | Shah, Ghanshyam.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2000Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 POL-] (1).

144. Transforming India: social and political dynamics of democracy

by Francine R. Frankel [].

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2000Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 TRA-] (1).

145. India perceived: some reflections in the American press

by Rawat, Atul | Rawat, Geetha A.

Publisher: Bahadurgarh Sareesh International 1999Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954.05 RAW-I] (1).

146. Myanmar's nationalist movement (1906-1948) and India

by Rajshekhar, India.

Publisher: New Delhi South Asian Publishers 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.5409591 RAJ-M] (1).

147. Life and words: violence and the descent into the ordinary

by Das, Veena.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 303.60954 DAS-L] (1).

148. Let's kill Gandhi: a chronicle of his last days, the conspiracy, murder, investigation and trial

by Gandhi, Tushar A.

Publisher: New Delhi Rupa and Company 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.20954 GAN-L] (1).

149. From the colonial to the postcolonial: India and Pakistan in transition

by Chakrabarty, Dipesh | Sartori, Andrew | Majumdar, Rochona.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 327.54091 FRO-] (1).

150. Reinventing public administration: the Indian experience

by Chakrabarty, Bidyut.

Publisher: Hyderabad Orient Longman 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 351.0954 CHA-R] (1).

151. Living with secularism: the destiny of India's Muslims

by Hasan, Mushirul.

Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 211.609.54 LIV-] (1).

152. Retreat of democracy: and other itinerant essays on globalization, economics, and India

by Basu, Kaushik.

Publisher: Ranikhet Permanent Black 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 321.80954 BAS-R] (1).

153. State formation and radical democracy in India

by Desai, Manali | Selden, Mark.

Publisher: London Routledge 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 DES-S] (1).

154. Crisis of secularism in India

by Rajan, Rajeswari Sunder | Needham, Anuradha Dingwaney.

Publisher: Ranikhet Permanent Black 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 211.60954 CRI-] (1).

155. Indian judiciary and politics: the changing landscape

by Saxena, Rekha | Dua, B.D | Singh, M.P.

Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 342.04454 IND-] (1).

156. Rurality and modernity in democratic India: past and present (traditions, transitions and tensions)

by Mathur, P.C.

Publisher: Jaipur Aalekh Publishers 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 307.14120954 MAT-R] (1).

157. Spaces of colonialism: Delhi's urban governmentalities

by Legg, Stephen.

Publisher: Malden Blackwell Publishing 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.95456 LEG-S] (1).

158. Prattler's tale: Bengal, Marxism, governance

by Mitra, Ashok | Bhattacharya, Sipra.

Publisher: Kolkata Samya 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.254 MIT-P] (1).

159. To make the deaf hear: ideology and programme of Bhagat Singh and his comrades

by Habib, S. Irfan.

Publisher: Gurgaon Three Essays Collective 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.254 HAB-T] (1).

160. Globalization and politics in India

by Nayar, Baldev Raj.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 GLO-] (1).

161. India's economic transition: the politics of reforms

by Mukherji, Rahul.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 330.9154 IND-] (1).

162. Making of an Indian Metropolis: colonial governance and public culture in Bombay 1890-1920

by Kidambi, Prashant | Rodger, Richard | Pinol, Jean-Luc.

Publisher: Hampshire Ashgate Publishing 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.850954792 KID-M] (1).

163. Wrongs of the religious right: reflections on science, secularism and hindutva

by Nanda, Meera.

Publisher: Gurgaon Three Essays Collective 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 211.6 NAN-W] (1).

164. Citizen's report on governance and development 2007

by Amitabh Behar......[et al].

Publisher: Los Angeles Sage Publications 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 CIT-] (1).

165. Jayapraksh Narayan: selected works

by Prasad, Bimal.

Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.254 JAY-] (1).

166. Nation in imagination: essays on nationalism, sub-nationalisms and narration

by Vijayasree, C.

Publisher: Hyderabad Orient Longman 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.54 NAT-] (1).

167. Urban local self-government in India: with reference to North-Eastern states

by Prasad, R.N.

Publisher: New Delhi Mittal Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.0954 PRA-U] (1).

168. Decentralization: institutions and politics in rural India

by Sharma, Pradeep K | Singh, Satyajit.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 DEC-] (1).

169. Reforming public services in India: drawing lessons from success/ a World Bank

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 352.3670954 REF-] (1).

170. India's development: social and economic disparities

by Dev, S. Mahendra | Babu, K.S.

Publisher: New Delhi Manohar Publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 330.954 IND-] (2).

171. Splendour in the grass: innovations in administration

by India. Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances.

Publisher: New Delhi Penguin Group 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 352.0954 IND-S] (1).

172. India 60: towards a new paradigm

by Pande, Ira.

Publisher: New Delhi Harper Collins 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954.04 IND-] (1).

173. Pied pipers in north-east India: Bamboo-flowers, rat-famine and the politics of philanthropy (1881-2007)

by Nag, Sajal.

Publisher: New Delhi Manhor Publishers 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 363.809541 NAG-P] (1).

174. India before Europe

by Asher, Catherine B | Talbot, Cynthia.

Publisher: New Delhi Cambridge University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954.02 ASH-I] (1).

175. Mughal India: studies in polity, ideas, society and culture

by Ali, M. Athar.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2006Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954.025 ALI-M] (1).

176. Encyclopaedia on Gandhi

by Singh, Ram Ayodhya.

Publisher: New Delhi Anmol Publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 SIN-E] (10).

177. Encyclopaedia on Jinnah

by Singh, Prakash K.

Publisher: New Delhi Anmol Publications 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 SIN-E] (5).

178. Political mobilisation and democracy in India

by Hewitt, Vernon | Mitra, Subrata K.

Publisher: Landon Routledge 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 HEW-P] (1).

179. State, pluralism, and the India historical tradition

by Chandra, Satish.

Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 CHA-S] (1).

180. Encyclopaedia on Maulana Azad

by Singh, Kamala.

Publisher: New Delhi Anmol Publication 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 SIN-E] (2).

181. Encyclopaedia on Raja Ram Mohan Roy

by Chaudhary, Vishvamitra Prasad.

Publisher: New Delhi Anmol Publications 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 CHA-E] (2).

182. Vocalizing silence: political protests in Orissa, 1930-42

by Nanda, Chandi Prasad | Chandra, Bipan | Mukherjee, Mridula | Mukherjee, Aditya.

Publisher: New Delhi Sage Publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 954.133 NAN-V] (1).

183. Power and contestation: India since 1989

by Menon, Nivedita | Nigam, Aditya.

Publisher: Hyderabad Orient Longman 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 MEN-P] (1).

184. Civil disobdience movement in Bihar: 1930-1934

by Ghosh, Papiya.

Publisher: New Delhi Manak Publications 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 306.610954123 GHO-C] (1).

185. Satyagraha: Gandhi's approach to conflict resolution

by Sharma, Jai Narain.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 923.254 SHA-S; v.3] (1).

186. Encyclopaedia of eminent thinkers

by Pasricha, Ashu | Sharma, Jai Narain.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 ENC-] (10).

187. Hind Swaraj: Gandhi's challenge to modern civilization

by Misra, R.P.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2007Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 923.254 MIS-H; v.1] (1).

188. Parliamentary control and government accountability in South Asia: a comparative analysis of Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka

by Rahman, Taiabur | Subrata K. Mitra.

Publisher: London Routledge 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 328.54 RAH-P] (1).

189. Marxism, socialism, Indian Politics: a view from the left

by Singh, Randhir.

Publisher: New Delhi Aakar Books 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.53150954 SIN-M] (1).

190. Bharat mein rajniti: kal aur aaj

by Kothari, Rajni | Dubey, Abhay Kumar.

Publisher: New Delhi Vani Prakashan 2005Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 KOT-B] (1).

191. Indian politics today: an argument for socialism-oriented path of development

by Singh, Randhir.

Publisher: New Delhi Aakar 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.90954 SIN-I] (1).

192. Encyclopaedia of eminent thinkers: the political thought of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

by Sharma, Jai Narain.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 SHA-E] (1).

193. Encyclopaedia of eminent thinkers: the political thought of Mahadev Govind Ranade

by Pasricha, Ashu.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 PAS-E] (1).

194. Encyclopaedia of eminent thinkers: the political thought of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya

by Sharma, Jai Narain.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 SHA-E] (1).

195. Encyclopaedia of eminent thinkers: the political thought of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak

by Sharma, Jai Narain.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 SHA-E] (1).

196. Encyclopaedia of eminent thinkers: the political thought of Annie Besant

by Pasricha, Ashu.

Publisher: New Delhi Concept Publishing 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: RR 923.25403 PAS-E] (1).

197. Cultural diversity, governance and policy: India-Australia

by Mayne, Alan | Gopal, D.

Publisher: Delhi Shipra Publications 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.80095404 CUL-] (1).

198. Towards a non-brahmin millennium: from Iyothee Thass to Periyar

by Geetha, V | Rajadurai, S.V.

Edition: 2nd rev.Publisher: Kolkata Samya 2008Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 305.80095482 GEE-T] (1).

199. Between democracy and nation: gender and militarisation in Kashmir

by Kazi, Seema.

Publisher: New Delhi Women Unlimited 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 355.021309546 KAZ-B] (1).

200. Citizen's report on government and development 2008-09

by Kumar, Yogesh | Samuel, John | Behar, Amitabh | National Social Watch.

Publisher: New Delhi Daanish books 2009Availability: Items available for loan: [Call number: 320.954 CIT-] (1).

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