Summary, etc |
The world wake up, to the challenge at a time where women's movement across the globe rose to strong the and many women's groups fixed their muscles to tight out injustices, stop oppression, wipe out discrimination and the removal of barriers to gender equality. Things started changing steadily and progress become visible on many fronts, almost every where. Realising the slow pace of progress, the Limited Nations-the world body of most nations intervened to create a climate conducive to gender quality and facilitation of women's empowerment. The movement of general equality and women's empowerment has become of the defining evelopments of contemporary time. In Rio (1992), the world leaders ccepted women's vital role in achieves sustainable development. n Vienna, the governments acknowledged that woman have human ghts and took note of the widespread violence against women. In iro, women's empowerment was recognized as a corner stone of effectivepopulation policies and will copenhagen gender equality was recognized as a preconditions for the achievement of productive employment, social integration and paver eradication. <br/>Hypothesis of the study are as follows : (0 With the rise of and economic status .. _,rnen's own identity consciousness increases. (ii) Women's exposure to media enable them to understand women issue and respond to them in the appropriate manner. (iii) Membership of women's organization make women power conscious. (iv) With the rise of economic participation of women, the sense of power sharing with men also goes up. (v) Self-sufficiency and the issues of women empowerment are closely related. <br/>The study revealed that International Action agenda calls for the removal of the following : (a) Unreasing burden of poverty on women (b) In equalities and in acquiesces in the unequal to educations training health care and other development related programmes and services. (c) Varied manifestation of violence against women. (d) In equality in economic and political structure and in all form of self filling measures necessary for their advancement and locked repeat for their human rights. 24.37 percent Tho study revealed lint will' rifJ1 of r;o0;11 anri eGonoroir; status wog non's own identity, cot itiGioinsner,o inGrowiou, 46:15 Pc: tent of the respondents supported Ihn r;111ornorit, 'A WI ri(,,r(mnt did nof support the statement. The respondents wee asked how to rise of social and economic status women's own identity if concii, rir;`,1, increases they have identified three aspect in this regard ;,1 /Thr(;r in the society (13.85%), social responsibility (16,94%), participate on in decision making (14.95%). <br/><br/>The study revealed about women's exposure to media according to level of education in the sample the respondents asked the question : do you agree that women's exposure to media enable them to understand women issue and response to them in the appropriate manner 50.96 percent of the respondents given affirmative answer and 49.03 percent of the respondents did give positive answer in this regard. 56.96 percent of the respondents suggested following steps which are involved (i) awareness about different area (16.06%). (ii) Women fight according to their capactiy (18.28%). (Hi) Less expertation against women (16.62) . |