World encyclopaedia of disarmament studies edited by:Lama Gangchen [] - New Delhi Jnanada Prakashan 2009

contents: Vols.11. Vol.1(Major resolutions and decisions on disarmament), (xix, 587p) -V.2(Arms control and disarmament), ( xix, 589-919p.)-v.3(Arms race, trade and military expenditure), (xix, 921-1288p.) - v.4(Defensive security and arms reduction), (xix, 1289-1631p.) - v.5(Conventional wars and weapon systems), (xix,1633-1964p.) - v.6(Nuclear wars, weapons and global security), (xix, 1965-2366p.) - v.7(Nuclear non-proliferation and world peace), (xix, 2367-2750p.) - v.8(Nuclear test bans and weapon free zones), (xix, 2751-3236p.) - v.9(Chemical and biological weapon systems), (xix, 3237-3591p.) - v.10(Missiles, verification systems and outer space), (xix, 3593-3910p.) - v.11(Conventional arms race. small arms and light weapons), (xix, 3911-4273p.)


Nuclear disarmament--Encyclopedias
Weapons of mass destruction--Encyclopedias

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