Watt, George
Dictionary of the economic product of India - Delhi Cosmo publications 1989 - 6v.
Contents: Vol.1.Abaca to Buxus(xxxiii,559p.) - v.2.Cabbage to Cyperus(1889)(689p.) - v.3.Dacrydium to Gordonia(1890)(534p.) - v.4.Gossypium to Linociera(1890)(643p.) - v.5.Linum to Oyster(1891)(676p.) - v.6,pt.1.Pachyrhizus to Rye(1892)(594p.) - v.6,pt.2.Sabadilla to Silica(1893)(687p.) - v.6,pt.3.Silk to Tea(1893)(479p.) - v.6,pt.4.Tectona to Zygophillum(1893)(375p.)
Economic products - Dictionaries - India
Economics - India
RR 338.954 WAT-;
Dictionary of the economic product of India - Delhi Cosmo publications 1989 - 6v.
Contents: Vol.1.Abaca to Buxus(xxxiii,559p.) - v.2.Cabbage to Cyperus(1889)(689p.) - v.3.Dacrydium to Gordonia(1890)(534p.) - v.4.Gossypium to Linociera(1890)(643p.) - v.5.Linum to Oyster(1891)(676p.) - v.6,pt.1.Pachyrhizus to Rye(1892)(594p.) - v.6,pt.2.Sabadilla to Silica(1893)(687p.) - v.6,pt.3.Silk to Tea(1893)(479p.) - v.6,pt.4.Tectona to Zygophillum(1893)(375p.)
Economic products - Dictionaries - India
Economics - India
RR 338.954 WAT-;